Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Release- Good or Bad?

Release: Is it good or bad? After finding out that release meant that they killed you with a lethal injection, I was shocked. And, while it may seem horrible, in a way, it is actually kind of good, but only in a way. For example, everyone knows that pain of losing a relative unexpectedly. It hits you hard when you're not expecting it. Wouldn't it be better to at least know when it's going to happen? It would ease the pain and grief so much more, especially since Jonas' community treats it as an honor. But, it is indeed horrible that they are killing innocent newborns. Wouldn't it be better if they only released the Old and the bad, but not the newborns? In addition, when Jonas asked if somebody from Elsewhere comes to get the released newborn, and his father said, "That's right Jonas-bonus,"- that was in fact, a lie. It's a lie because nobody from Elsewhere came to claim the baby. Maybe this is an answer for Jonas' question- "What if they had all been instructed: You may lie?" Is it that all workers associated with release, or maybe even all adults, where instructed to lie? Perhaps, this is true because Jonas' father, did, in fact, lie.


SweetStacy said...
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SweetStacy said...

Release? What does this truly mean?
While reading Lois Lowry's novel The Giver I found myself wondering about the truth behind being released and whather it was good or not. In chapter 19, page 146, Jonas says,"I'm sorry that I wasted so much time with my questions... I was only asking about release because my father is releasing a new child today." This statement got me thinking about the releasement process. A variety of possibilities came to me. I wondered is people were sent to a different community for outcasts, or if maybe being released meant death. Both possibilities are liable, yet considering how people act in the community being killed seemed to be more likely to occur. This is due to the fact that neither adults no children seem to show any true emotions. This is shown on page 131 when Jonas states, "But Lily had not felt anger Jonas realized now... he knew with certainty because now he knew what anger was." Since this society does not have real feelings it is highly unlikely that they would feel remorse when killing somebody for no apparent reason. To them death is not usually a negative aspect of life, but a positive way of taking away any imperfections from their lives and homes. Therefore, release can be many things; but I perceive that it is most likely annihilating an innocent person.

Since release is most likely cold blooded murder, in our society it would be a horrible thing. Killing somebody is looked down upon and is rewarded with decades of imprisonment. Under no circumstances should somebody get away with assassination, and they definitely should not be praised for it. I plain and simply believe that releasing somebody is not the way to go. It is and will never be a positive thing. You are given life and absolutely no one has the right to take that away from you.