Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Release ... What is it really?

In The Giver, the main character, Jonas, hears much talk about release in the community. At first he just thought of it as being kicked out or becoming free of the community. However, that thought changes in chapter 9. In that chapter, Jonas inquires to the Giver about release. He explained that a Newchild was released that morning and he wondered what occured during those events. Eventually, The Giver showed him what happened. Jonas was astonished as he learned what release truly was. As he watched the newchild being released, he soon realized that released really meant getting executed. Jonas was extremely shocked as described on page 150: "Jonas stared at the screen, waiting for something to happen. But nothing did. The little twin lay motionless. His father was putting things away. Folding the blanket. Closing the cupboard... He killed it! My father killed it!" Finding this out, Jonas was truly shocked. It is unfair to kill a baby who hasn't even enjoyed life. Jonas had a similar reaction. "
Jonas felt a ripping sensation inside himself, the feeling of terrible pain clawing its way forward to emerge in a cry." It is unbelievable the extent this community has gone to.


Being released is like as being murdered by another person and its a terrible moment in which were a person's life is taking away just by simply sticking a needle in them. When your being released i believe that they think people are just in a better place but if they never got a chance at life how would they pick from right and wrong. If they are allowed to do this as like in Jonas community then it would be an act of killing and which is not allowed or necessary at all. After all that Jonas has been through, finding out what released really symbolized just made it harder to see and experience things in different ways. I think that being released should just be allowed at when the time is right and when the time comes, but since the community is like a perfect world then the old should be released but i don't agree that they should take a baby's life away because of one thing or the other.

The Secret Behind Release

The release of someone in Jonas' community is not something to celebrate or be happy about. When I found out that they kill the person being released, I felt a mix of emotions. I could only imagine how Jonas felt when he found out. "Jonas felt a ripping sensation inside himslef, the feeling of terrible pain clawing its way forward to emrge in a cry." (pg. 151) The community can never have two people that look the same so to solve their problem, they simply killed the other twin that weighed less. It seems unfair for the little guy to be killed without having a chance in life. I wouldn't know how to feel if my father kills and lies to me everyday. The secret behind the release of someone is a scary thing to see and even worse when you can't do anything about it.

The Grusome Horror of Release

Release did not seem like such a horrible act, until chapter 19. No one expected that the subjects who submitted or forced to do release were killed. Newborns, killed, the old, murdered, criminals who broke the law three times, dispatched. Before chapter 19, I believed release was sending the person to another community "let someone else deal with the problem". One could of never guessed that release meant "lets get rid of the problem entirely". On page 146 Jonas says "They never let children see it. Its very private" even the government is ashamed of their act and try to hide it with "release ceremonies". Of course one must understand that these people don' t understand the wrong of their actions. They never had a memory of war or murdered. So to them it is an everyday action. Truly Release is not a subject of joking matter as it was mentioned in Page 2 "For a contributing citizens to be released, from the community was a final decision, a terrible punishment an overwhelming statement of failure".


From the previous chapters release didn't seem like such an awful thing. You had a ceremony to celebrate it if you were an Old but not a newborn. I as other readers can feel that the ceremony for release for the old is like the ceremony of Twelve. Like it can be seen in page 56, "'thank you for your childhood."In the ceremony of Twelve they are thanking for their childhood unlike for the ceremony of the Old for release they are thanking them for the service they had made to the community. On the other hand they don't do anything for the newborns since they haven't given anything to the community yet. Now release means another thing which is killing you with a injection and then throwing your decomposed body to the garbage. Release can be cruel and harsh no matter if they give you a ceremony or not. Positively, release is a very serious thing which citizens should handle carefully in the community.
Melissa Atlixqueno

what is the real " released" in the Giver

" You are released!" This is the term that was often use in the book, The Giver by Lois Lowry. Everyone thinks that released is just kicking out of the community. Well, in Jonas' community released is a totally new story. being released is killing you with a syringe that is full with something that no one will know. this is a horrible event and why no one in the community will know? Blame the person who gave the releases. For example in the story, Jonas 's father is given a release to a twin. only one can stay and the another one will have to suffer the pain. When Jonas ask his farther what will they do with the one that was smaller , his father told him that he will do something nice for him . this " nice" little promise can be seen on page 137 " i get the smaller one clean up...then wave bye-bye....'will anyone come and get him? someone from the elsewhere.......'that's right" Well in reality it's a lie. he didn't do anything nice except throwing him down the trash. What a cold-blooded person or exactly a cold-blooded community. this painful event can be seen on page 150 "he opened a small door in the wall...it seem to be the same sort of chute into which trash was deposited at school"This made Jonas feel dolorous and will everyone in the community tell him the truth? perhaps this is what the community is like.

Release- Good or Bad?

Release: Is it good or bad? After finding out that release meant that they killed you with a lethal injection, I was shocked. And, while it may seem horrible, in a way, it is actually kind of good, but only in a way. For example, everyone knows that pain of losing a relative unexpectedly. It hits you hard when you're not expecting it. Wouldn't it be better to at least know when it's going to happen? It would ease the pain and grief so much more, especially since Jonas' community treats it as an honor. But, it is indeed horrible that they are killing innocent newborns. Wouldn't it be better if they only released the Old and the bad, but not the newborns? In addition, when Jonas asked if somebody from Elsewhere comes to get the released newborn, and his father said, "That's right Jonas-bonus,"- that was in fact, a lie. It's a lie because nobody from Elsewhere came to claim the baby. Maybe this is an answer for Jonas' question- "What if they had all been instructed: You may lie?" Is it that all workers associated with release, or maybe even all adults, where instructed to lie? Perhaps, this is true because Jonas' father, did, in fact, lie.