Tuesday, September 28, 2010

The Grusome Horror of Release

Release did not seem like such a horrible act, until chapter 19. No one expected that the subjects who submitted or forced to do release were killed. Newborns, killed, the old, murdered, criminals who broke the law three times, dispatched. Before chapter 19, I believed release was sending the person to another community "let someone else deal with the problem". One could of never guessed that release meant "lets get rid of the problem entirely". On page 146 Jonas says "They never let children see it. Its very private" even the government is ashamed of their act and try to hide it with "release ceremonies". Of course one must understand that these people don' t understand the wrong of their actions. They never had a memory of war or murdered. So to them it is an everyday action. Truly Release is not a subject of joking matter as it was mentioned in Page 2 "For a contributing citizens to be released, from the community was a final decision, a terrible punishment an overwhelming statement of failure".

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