Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Betrayal: When Is it okay?

When is Betrayal okay? Is it ever okay? In my opinion betrayal is never okay. When someone gets betrayed they feel disappointed and sorry that they ever trusted that person. No one knows until that moment that they have gotten betrayed. Betrayal is unexpected and harsh. You shouldn't wish or want anyone to get betrayed. Jonathan didn't betray the little boy in his time of need. He brang him back to the tavern where they feed him and went back for the 'expected killers of the little boys parents'. On the way Jonathan suspected that the Corpal killed the little boy parents after he knew exactly where the vacant house was located.Right there and than Jonathan felt betrayed.It was a shock to know what the Corpal had done. As you can see betrayal is not a nice thing and I truly think betrayal is never okay.
~Ashley Gittens 7-5~

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