Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Betrayal? Should you do that?

Betrayal is the most selfish, egoist, and dumbest action anyone could ever do. Would you go against your friends, parents or teachers? Why do people betray each other so much? This question makes you think. Since the war began, no one was trustworthy. You could not tell anyone anything. Soldiers, Corporals, even leaders betrayed others in order to live and stay safe.
Betrayal is a VERY selfish act for me. Many people are very jealous and full of hate that betrayal is what they do for fun. They go around not listening to their loved ones and doing things they should not be doing. They try to twist every word you say and tell everyone the "horrible" things you said. Betrayal makes enemies, it makes hate and it makes people filled with negative emotions.
Jonathan felt like the corporal betrayed him and the little boy when he killed the little boy's parents. His excuse was that the parents were soldiers. Jonathan did not want to believe it. All this time he thought it was, just maybe, the Hessian's who killed the boy's parents.
Betrayal should be stopped for good. Why do people do it?No one can answer that question....

Elise Helou

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