Tuesday, October 28, 2008

I don't want to grow up too fast.

I agree with the statement because its true,I don't want to grow to fast. The reason why I say this is because you only get to be a kid once. I don't want to grow up to fast because if you do you might miss out on the oppertunity to be a kid. Jonathan wanted to fight in the war like a man when he was kid and his choice want him to wish he acted like a kid again.Thats why I don't to grow up to fast.


Anonymous said...

I agree with Khadijha, I don't want to grow up too fast either. You only get to live one life, so why not make it last? For example, as a child you may not want to be spoken as unimportant, but as an adult. I on the other hand I don't mind being spoken to that way because I know some day I will look back and miss being a kid. Perhaps you shouldn't want to grow up to fast either.

Athena 707 :)

Anonymous said...

I agree with khadija & Athena .
Life is too short .
Ask your parents .
I bet they would say "I'd do anything to go back and be a kid. Enjoy your life now." Well , i know my mother tell it to me all the time.
Jonathan has made his decision to quickly .
He is acting as if he wants to be an adult .
At first , i thought that Jonathan made a right decision to go to war .. but now i'm having second thoughts about it .

MariahhhhhhhhhhhxD 707

kooldude said...

i agree to

Anonymous said...

i agree with khadija too. who really does want to grow up to fast. my parents always tell me have fun being a kid while it last.jonathan made a bad choice. hes acting like hes gettin older and he doesnt want to be a kid anymore.he'll se how hard it gets and watch hes going to regret it.

Anonymous said...

I agree with Khadijah because no child should want to grow up fast. Once you grow up too fast you think your grown.....once you think your grown you begin to disrespect your parents and other adults in a way that is not exceptable.When i get out of line with my mother she tells me to stay in a childs place.She is right.We have to enjoy life in the moment because next thing we know we could end up in a place that theres no coming back from.So Khadijah is absolutely right there is no need to want to grow up too fast.Enjoy life as it is(even though it isn't that enjoyable)have fun with your friends,throw parties,meet new people,and spend the most time with your fammily and friends as you can because you never know what tomorrow brings.Your parents always know whats right all you have to do is listen to them.

Samantha the Kitty said...
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Zanny said...

Growing up fast? Not going to happen =) we live for like 70 years which is pretty short to me. i don't feel like growing because it means more "responsibilty" which jonathan is not right now. if you think about it, we're already 20 ( in my world :P ). growing up means you get older and your parents have this whole"future" thing for you.

well, growing up too fast is... o_O

Samantha the Kitty said...

I agree too because when your a kid, you don't have to have much responsbility.You get to make parents buy you stuff and you can be lazy.Also, its fun to be a kid because you can get away with more.People dont expect too much of you and if you do something wrong, you can use the excuse "I didn't know" or something like that.Believe me it works.Johnathan thinks that he wants to go to war and grow up be he is as wrong as ever.

*****Elise***** said...

good job kitty
thats true.
when you are a kid, many of the responsibility is on u re parents not on u
it is awesome in a way and cruel in another
i do not want to grow up