Monday, October 20, 2008

Theme of Growing Up

Add your blog for the theme GROWING UP here.


Anonymous said...

I realized that jonathan is growing up just because of this experience. "What are you doing here "was the question of the man whom jonathan's father knew.
"Going to fight" replyed jonathan.The guy was probrobly ambrused by this awnser comming from a 13 year old boy. Jonathan had confedence that he was ready which was a sign that he and engrassed in the idea of war but another big sign that told us he was growing up was when he was thinking he had the same look his father had when they parted fear.Instead of bieng foolish and thinking it was nothing to go to war he overlooked his choice, like an young man. Perhaps he was growing up in heart and pride.

by Jonathan.Camacho

Anonymous said...

It annoys me when jonathan think he is so grown up
"i hope there are cannons and drums and large armies"
this shows how mature he think he is.

---------James 7-6

joshua said...

good job jonathon form jeff in our claass

Roura's Bloggers said...

Great comments Jonathan and James!

Jaspreet 7-6 said...

james you mean imature right?

Jaspreet 7-6 said...

here is my blog site

Anonymous said...

LoL.i totally agree with jamess from makes me giggle a liddlee about how much johnathan thinks hes "mature enough"

kimberly from

Anonymous said...

Hi People!!!!!

^hi kimberly!!!!!!!!!!!!^

Athena ROX!!

christian.code7-5 said...

It annoyed me when Jonathan went against his father's orders. He doesn't know the pain of war, his family went through it , which included his older brother, cousin, and his father. I've noticed that he never said anything after people constantly ask him if his father sent him... When the time is right i believe that Jonathan will grow up and find out what it's like being in war. I wonder if Jonathan feels left out in his family.